10 abril 2012

ChartBreaker: Balada Boa - GUSTTAVO LIMA

El futbolista Neymar se está encargando de popularizar por todo el mundo la música brasileña. Después del gran éxito de Michel Teló y su tema Ai Se Eu Te Pego! llega el cantante Gusttavo Lima, que debuta en todo el mundo con "Balada Boa", incluída en su álbum Gusttavo Lima e Vocé y que ha alcanzado ya el #1 en Bélgica, #3 en Holanda y #22 en Francia.
The football player Neymar is making the Brazilian music popular around the world. After the great success reached by Michel Teló and his hit Ai se Eu Te Pego! we know the singer Gusttavo Lima, who debutes worldwide with the song "Balada Boa", included in his album Gusttavo Lima e Vocé, and which has already reached #1 in Belgium, #3 in the Netherlands and #22 in France.

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