17 enero 2009

BSO: A Christmas Carol (What If - Kate Winslet)

Sin que sirva de precedentes hoy voy hablar de una canción cuya película no he visto. Y es que esta semana ha sido sin duda la semana de Kate Winslet, después de muchas nominaciones por sus interpretaciones, por fin ha conseguido dos Globos de Oro. Winslet archiconocida por su papel de Rose en Titanic es una de las actrices más nominadas, a sus 30 y tantos ya tiene 5 nominaciones a los Oscar. Que era buena actriz ya era sabido por todo el mundo, lo que yo no sabía era que también cantaba, y no mal. En la película de animación A Christmas Carol, adaptación de un cuento de Charles Dickens, dobla a la protagonista y se anima a cantar una bonita balada enseñándonos su preciosa voz. Esta chica tendría que sacar un disco... Yo lo compraría
Without setting a precedent today I speak of a song which film I have not seen. This week has certainly been the week of Kate Winslet, after many nominations for her performances at last has two Golden Globes. Kate Winslet is well known since her role as Rose in Titanic and is one of the most nominated actresses, she already has 5 Oscar nominations. That was a good actress was known throughout the world, but which I did not know was that he sang and not bad. In the animated film A Christmas Carol, adapted from a story by Charles Dickens, he put her voice in one of the main characters and she is encouraged to sing a beautiful ballad showing her beautiful voice. This girl would have to release a record ... I'd buy it.

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