En 2004, el temible director Joel Schumacher estrenó la adaptación cinematrogràfica del musical el Fantasma de la Ópera. El film no fue demasiado bien recibido. Las comparaciones con el musical son odiosas, no nos vamos a engañar, unos tipos que cantan en directo y se dedican a eso siempre serán mejor que los cuatro actores de turno que les hacen clases, o que saben cantar un poco y que se lanzan a un proyecto de estas caracterísiticas. Personalmente encuentro en el Fantasma de la Ópera una obra fascinante, oscura y romántico en el sentido más antiguo de la palabra. Canciones opera-rock que consiguen hacer avanzar una trama sencilla pero efectiva que mezcla amor, celos, locura... (el doblaje en español es penoso...)
In 2004, the filmdirector Joel Schumacher released the adaptation in the big screen of the Phantom's of the Opera musical. The film was not too well received. Is not fair comparing the movie with me musical, musical artist (yes are better) are actors/singers who sing live and are involved in this, will always be better than the four actors who take sing classes or who can sing a little and try to do a project of these characteristics. Personally I find the Phantom of the Opera a fascinating work, dark and romantic in the old sense of the word. Opera-rock songs that manage to take forward a simple but effective plot that mixes love, jealousy, madness ...
In 2004, the filmdirector Joel Schumacher released the adaptation in the big screen of the Phantom's of the Opera musical. The film was not too well received. Is not fair comparing the movie with me musical, musical artist (yes are better) are actors/singers who sing live and are involved in this, will always be better than the four actors who take sing classes or who can sing a little and try to do a project of these characteristics. Personally I find the Phantom of the Opera a fascinating work, dark and romantic in the old sense of the word. Opera-rock songs that manage to take forward a simple but effective plot that mixes love, jealousy, madness ...
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