05 marzo 2010


El décimosegundo álbum de Mariah Carey, titulado Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel, no está teniendo tanto éxito como sus dos predecesores. Y sus primeros sencillos, Obsessed y I Want to Know What Love is 2009 tampoco han tenido especial promoción. El tercer single del álbum, "H.A.T.E.U" ni siquiera ha logrado entrar en ninguna lista hasta la fecha.
The twelfth album by Mariah Carey, titled Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel, is not having the same success than its predecessors. And its first singles, Obsessed and I Want to Know What Love is 2009, have not had a great promotion. The third single from the album, "H.A.T.E.U" has not charted anywhere until the date.

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