12 junio 2010

Billionaire - TRAVIE McCOY feat. BRUNO MARS

Este 2010 conocemos al cantante Travie McCoy, junto al también debutante Bruno Mars, y su primer single "Billionaire", extraído de su álbum de debut Lazarus. El tema empieza a ser popular y ha alcanzado ya el #4 en U.S. Billboard Hot 100, #7 en Australia o Nueva Zelanda y #21 en Suecia, hasta el momento.
In this 2010 we know the singer Travie McCoy, featuring Bruno Mars, in his first single "Billionaire", the first single extracted from his debut album Lazarus. The song is becoming so popular, and has already reached #4 in the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, #7 in Australia and New Zealand or #21 in Sweden, so far.

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