01 julio 2010

Un-thinkable (I'm Ready) - ALICIA KEYS

Ya tenemos el nuevo single de Alicia Keys. Se trata del cuarto tema de su álbum The Element of Freedom que se extrae oficialmente, después de Doesn't Mean Anything o Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart. Con "Un-thinkable (I'm Ready) " intentará recuperar el éxito del primer sencillo, ya que los siguientes han pasado bastante desapercibidos. De momento, ha alcanzado el #21 en U.S. Billboard Hot 100.
Here we got the new single by Alicia Keys. It is the fourth song extracted officially from her album The Element of Freedom after songs such as Doesn't Mean Anything or Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart. With "Un-thinkable (I'm Ready) " she wants to reach the success than reached the leading single, so the next singles had less popularity. So far, it has peaked at #21 in the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart.

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