Poco a poco la rapera Nicki Minaj va haciéndose popular en todo el mundo gracias a sus temas y a colaboraciones con otros artistas. Después de Check it Out y Right Thru Me, ambos extraídos de su álbum de debut Pink Friday, lanza el tercero de sus singles titulado "Moment 4 Life" junto a Drake, con el que ya ha alcanzado el #22 en U.S. Billboard Hot 100.
The rapper Nicki Minaj is becoming more popular around the world thanks to her own songs and many collaborations with other artists. After Check it Out and Right Thru Me, both extracted from her debut album Pink Friday, she releases the third of its singles titled "Moment 4 Life" featuring Drake, which have already reached #22 in the U.S. Billboard Hot 100.
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